Telcos, social media warns scam laws a step into the unknown

Telcos, social media warns scam laws a step into the unknown

Consumer and technology industry groups have blasted the Federal Government’s planned online scam laws amid fears they are ambiguous and could make it tougher for victims to pursue compensation.

The lobby group for the big social media players — including Facebook, Google and X — claim that Australian banks have enjoyed far greater influence than technology players in developing the proposed new regime.

The Senate could next vote on the contentious legislation, rushed through the House of Representatives in November, creating a legal framework for victims to seek restitution from banks, telecommunications providers and the social media giants.

The industry-funded Australian Financial Complaints Authority will be the official umpire for the flagged new disputes resolution regime, which will be linked to a variety of industry codes and regulations.

Customer protection groups warned at an urgent Senate economics committee hearing on Tuesday that the new system could be beyond most victims because it would allow for appeals to the Federal Court.

Consumer Law Action Centre chief Stephanie Tonkin said such appeals were unprecedented in the type of external disputes resolution process flagged in the legislation.

“Given the deep-pocketed multinationals’ immense power in dispute resolution, they can just challenge a decision in a jurisdiction victims can’t afford to defend,” Ms Tonkin said.

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