Tornado confirmed over Lake Murray as storm hit South Carolina on Sunday

Tornado confirmed over Lake Murray as storm hit South Carolina on Sunday

Survey teams confirmed an EF-1 tornado with 90 mph winds formed over Lake Murray, causing damage near Chapin before dissipating after about 6 miles.

LEXINGTON COUNTY, S.C. — Survey teams have confirmed that a tornado formed over Lake Murray on Sunday as a violent storm system that caused deaths and damage across the United States made its way through South Carolina.

The National Weather Service confirmed an EF-1 tornado with winds estimated at 90 mph traveled about 6 miles, starting near Chapin and receding in the Lake Murray of Richland area.

In a preliminary statement, the National Weather Service said the team found that the storm formed over Lake Murray near Dreher Island before causing damage equivalent to a strong EF-0 or weak EF-1 tornado. This included tree damage near Lake Estate Drive in the Chapin area. The tornado then moved to the northeast, causing more EF-0 to EF-1 damage in the Timberlake community. 

The tornado then moved toward Isle of Pines Road, where the most concentrated EF-1 damage was found before the tornado reentered the lake. It also caused more EF-0 tree damage from Indian Cove Road to Wessinger Road, dissipating before reaching Indian Fork Road.

At its widest, the tornado’s path was about 125 yards.

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